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Emerging Trends in IPRs

Flyer of Seminar on “Emerging trends in IPRs”

Glimpse of Seminar on “Emerging trends in IPRs” | *Dr. Lalit Kumar (Asstt. Prof.), *Dr. Priyanka Kumari (Asst. Prof.) and other faculties attending the seminar.

Attendance of Seminar on “Emerging trends in IPRs”

Report of Seminar on “Emerging trends in IPRs”

A Seminar was conducted on 21.11.2019. Mr. Naresh Kumar was the spokesperson of that event. About 60 participants attended the lecture. The main aim was to focus on the new types of Intellectual Property Rights. The seminar will provide the participants with an understanding of copyright piracy and the procedure to avoid the creation of barriers to legitimate trade. The workshop consisted of number of sessions in which presentations on various aspects of IPR were given by the experts and the session was followed by a discussion.